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New figures show 1.9m pensioners still living in poverty as ͵ÅÄ͵¿ú steps up appeal for donations to fund vital services to help older people most in need

By: ͵ÅÄ͵¿ú
Published on 26 March 2020 02:00 PM

New Government figures published today show that there are 1.9 million pensioners in the UK living in poverty and a worrying 8% - equivalent to 940,000[i] would not be able to pay an unexpected bill of £200.[ii]

Many of these older people are likely to be in poor health and feeling extremely vulnerable as the country shuts down to stem the spread of Covid-19. At this time of national crisis, vital frontline services provided by charities such as ͵ÅÄ͵¿ú have never been more important or in such high demand. Local ͵ÅÄ͵¿ús across the country are racing to put systems and processes in place so they can provide practical and emotional support to their older populations in the weeks and months to come.

͵ÅÄ͵¿ú is deeply concerned that pensioner poverty levels have remained unchanged, and when life returns to some semblance of normality, the Government needs to do more to ensure older people get the benefits they’re entitled to.  However, in light of the unprecedented time we find ourselves in, the Charity’s immediate concern is to get help to those people who need it today. 

That’s why ͵ÅÄ͵¿ú has launched an Emergency Coronavirus Appeal with the aim of raising £10 millionto help it meet the rapidly increasing demand for its services. The response so far has been hugely promising, but there is a long way to go and older people are in urgent need of support.

Despite communities across the country rising to the challenge and rallying round to offer support, the Charity is extremely concerned about the millions of older people who are on their own, who do not have family and friends nearby or at all, and are already dealing with multiple difficulties such as unmet care needs, chronic ill health, disability and loneliness.

The majority of over-75s don’t use the internet (53%)[iii] and so are unable to connect virtually with the world beyond their own four walls. Telephone and community support will be absolutely crucial for them in the challenging months ahead. In fact since the start of the current crisis[iv] ͵ÅÄ͵¿ú’s national advice line[v] has already seen a 56% increase in demand, while The Silver Line has experienced an increase in calls from older people who are deeply anxious, depressed and in desperate need of reassurance and friendship.

Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at ͵ÅÄ͵¿ú said: "We have already had such an encouraging response to our Coronavirus Emergency Appeal, raising over £1 million already from businesses and individual donations. But we have a long way to go before we reach our £10 million target.

“The coronavirus pandemic has changed life for everyone but with new figures showing that 1.9 million pensioners are still living in poverty, with many more struggling just to make ends meet, we are extremely concerned that many of the most vulnerable won’t be getting the help they need.

"In the weeks and months ahead older people are going to need ͵ÅÄ͵¿ú in huge numbers, and to an extent that we have never experienced before. All donations, no matter how big or small, will help us to rise to the challenge and provide older people who are isolating with comfort, hope and practical support to help them pull through this unprecedented time."

As well as appealing for vital funds, ͵ÅÄ͵¿ú is urging everyone to check in with older neighbours, friends and family members. There are simple things everyone can do right now to help.

͵ÅÄ͵¿ú’s advice on how we can help our older population:

  • Donate now: Demand for our vital services has increased rapidly. Help us keep our Information & Advice and friendship services running and help the local ͵ÅÄ͵¿ús provide practical help such as food parcels by donating at .
  • Keep in touch: phone your older relatives and friends to ask what they need – set up a rota with family and friends to make sure someone is regularly checking on them.
  • Lend a hand: if you’re feeling well, offer to pick up shopping for an older neighbour when you pick up your essential items. Remember that when you offer to go to the shops and when you drop off any shopping, you need to knock on the door and step 2 metres back first. Leave any bags on the doorstep making sure they safely receive them. Make sure that you do not go into their house.
  • Share these numbers: for practical information and advice, ͵ÅÄ͵¿ú Advice:  0800 169 65 65. For a cheerful chat, day or night, The Silver Line: 0800 470 80 90.
  • Show you care: make homemade cards (a great project for kids), send postcards, write letters or even post small gifts to keep people’s spirits up.

[i] (table 6.11b  610db)

[iv] Increase in call demand in the week commencing 16th March vs the previous week


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Last updated: Mar 27 2020

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