Certificate of Recognition

Our comprehensive Health and Safety Management System.

Precise ͵ÅÄ͵¿ú is proud to be certified, in accordance with the in the province of Ontario. The implementation of our comprehensive Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) demonstrates our ability to identify, assess, and control health and safety-related risks. This certification is recognized by the .

What is °ä°¿¸é®?
The Certification of Recognition (°ä°¿¸é®) is an occupational health and safety certification program that is often required to acquire both public and private sector construction contracts. Companies must undergo a comprehensive and detailed audit of their current Health and Safety Management System (HSMS), to determine if they meet or exceed the requirements for °ä°¿¸é®.

Our Commitment
At Precise ͵ÅÄ͵¿ú, we are committed to upholding our °ä°¿¸é® certification by providing a safe and healthy work environment for our employees, contractors, clients, and the public. We are dedicated to maintaining and continuously improving our HSMS that exceed regulatory requirements.